Curso: Nutrient Cycling, Modelling and Management from Field to Catchment Scale
Curso propuesto para estudiantes de Maestría de PEDECIBA, Área Biología (Ecología) y Área Geociencias
Docente Organizador: Dr Mariana Meerhoff
Docente responsable: Dr Brian Kronvang (Universidad de Aarhus, Dinamarca)
Docentes participantes: MSc Daniel Graeber (Universidad de Aarhus) y MSc Guillermo Goyenola (Universidad de la República)
Nutrient losses from agro-ecosystems and the effects of such losses on natural ecosystems are a main focus for environmental management by authorities all over the world.
Theoretical introduction to the different natural and anthropogenic pressures on water and the DPSIR scheme utilised as a tool for analysing water resources problems and solutions in river basins.
In-depth background in nutrient cycling in agro-ecosystems (field to catchment scale) and in natural ecosystems (terrestrial and aquatic) and the effect of climate on this cycle.
Pathways of inorganic and organic nutrients from field to river and learn about basic biogeochemical processes governing nutrient metabolism.
Basic model and risk assessment methods applied for mapping nutrient losses from field to estuaries (nitrogen and phosphorus).
Basic introduction to different general and targeted mitigation methods applied to combat diffuse pollution from agricultural production including both crop and nutrient management, landscape management and surface water management measures.
On completion of the course, students will have attained the following knowledge, skills and competences within the area of nutrient cycling and management:
Modalidad: Preparación del curso (lecturas) aprox. 30 horas, curso intensivo (40 horas, una semana), entrega de informe final (examen) sobre un tema seleccionado, tres semanas luego de finalizado el curso.
Idioma: inglés. Cupo: 15 estudiantes
Fecha: 14-18 de Noviembre de 2011
Exercise 1B on Day 1