Group Exercise IB:

B) Trends in nutrients in rivers from around the world (use data from OECD spreadsheet and compare with data from a Uruguay river).

Use the excel sheet from OECD to analyze and illustrate the following questions:

1. Analyse the trends in nutrient concentrations (nitrate (6C), phosphorus (6D) and ammonium (6E) in rivers around the world covering the period 1980-2004 for the following rivers:

Finland (River Toniojoki)

Denmark (River Suså)

Germany (River Rhein)

France (River Loire)

UK (River Thames)

Spain (River Ebro)

Canada (River Columbia)

Mexico ( River Lema)

USA (River Missisipi)

2. Discuss and explain the trends observed.

3. Calculate the mean concentration (min-max) for the rivers in a Table and discuss and try to explain the differences in nutrient concentration levels observed between the rivers included in your analysis.


Última modificación: miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013, 20:22