Source: record adfecgdb/r01.edf Start: [00:00:00.000 01/01/2011] val has 6 rows (signals) and 300000 columns (samples/signal) Duration: 0:00 Sampling frequency: 1000 Hz Sampling interval: 0.001 sec Row Signal Gain Base Units 1 Direct_1 9.99984741211 -1 uV 2 Abdomen_1 9.99984741211 -1 uV 3 Abdomen_2 9.99984741211 -1 uV 4 Abdomen_3 9.99984741211 -1 uV 5 Abdomen_4 9.99984741211 -1 uV 6 EDF Annotations 65535 -32768 nd To convert from raw units to the physical units shown above, call the 'rdmat.m' function from the wfdb-matlab toolbox: